Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Twitter wars - Stupidity in 140 characters or less.

Fighting is a bad idea. Fighting in public is a worse idea. Fighting online in a public forum is the worst idea of all time. I have thought about this issue for months, and have not been able to formulate one half decent argument to justify using Twitter as a battle ground.

It's funny because you have to insult someone in 140 characters or less. And you're doing it on "Twitter"!! How can you stay angry and say words like Twitter and Tweet? Those are some sugary words. There isn't anything tough or hardcore about battling on Twitter. Celebrities really show how classless they are when they engage each other and followers. 

I think  Jennifer Hudson is a great singer and good actress, but I had to do a double take when she totally spazzed out on a twitter follower. Doesn't she have an album to work on, a script to read, a baby to take care of, or a husband to, you know, to do? But that is old news. Now we have Evelyn Lozada and Jennifer Williams beefing for the world to see. Well, it's really just Evelyn. Jennifer is yet to respond. That's the classy thing to do. 

Take a page from Jennifer's book. When you see people acting like a fool, refuse to stoop to their level and ignore them. Ignoring them makes them really 'irrelevant'. Paying attention to a loser is like giving sunshine to a flower, sheds light on them and makes them grow. 

If you have a problem with a friend or follower confront them in person. Call them over the phone. Maybe send an email, but the thing that is most important is privacy.  Confrontations sometimes lead to heated words and regrettable comments. What if you are getting a beat down? Do you really want witnesses to the shame and humiliation? Be smart and not have witnesses or evidence. It's great if you decide to kiss and make up, but if not, call a truce and agree to disagree. Go your separate ways with your dignity in tact.

Think twice about attacking people on twitter. It only makes you look bad.

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