The Etiquette Program

The Classy Life Etiquette Program aims to make etiquette fun, empowering, sexy, smart and relatable. The program targets urban women who may not have attended finishing school or charm school. Every woman has a right to learn proper etiquette. It is a tool that will give her the advantage in every area of life.

It is no longer enough to be educated, have swagger, style and have a great body. People judge you when they see you. Etiquette gives you the tools to communicate to the world without even speaking a word. 

The program was developed to focus on the rules that apply to the modern woman and not waste time on outdated pomp and pageantry. The tips and guides presented are perfect to make you fit in from the backyard barbecue to Buckingham Palace. The Classy Life Etiquette Program understands the needs of the modern woman. This is not your mothers or grandmothers guide to etiquette. The woman of today faces unique challenges in her career, socially and in her relationships. This program addresses each of these areas and makes it easy for you to take your life to the next level. The program emphasizes that etiquette is more of an attitude that exudes grace, consideration and pride, rather than just a strict set of rules. It is more than knowing the fish fork and what to wear to a job interview.

You will learn basic tips to make you confident and comfortable in every situation. The Classy Life Etiquette Program will make you the most admired woman in the room.