Sunday, January 1, 2012

Keep your resolutions to yourself

Facebook, Twitter, Texts and Emails have been spewing  New Years Resolutions, ranging from the redundant to the ridiculous.

I could not care less about your plans for yourself for 2012.  It is commendable that you have taken the time to be introspective and resolve to take your life into a better a direction: but what does that have to do with me!  If you are still 25lbs overweight Thanksgiving of 2012, you will look like an undisciplined blowhard. Actually, a Fat undisciplined blowhard.

New years resolutions are promises to yourself. Keep it to yourself and surprise us all with your achievements as the year unfolds. I will be more than happy to celebrate with you. I don't want/need the emotional roller coaster of waiting to see if you will get a better job, or finally dump that loser, or quit smoking, or learn to play a musical instrument. 

The worst types of resolutions are the 'I will put myself first' or 'I will focus on the positive' or 'I will find peace of mind'. They are vapid, empty and meaningless. Much like the head that it came out of. If you are going to make a resolution, it should be tangible or measurable. The emotional and psychological reward will follow after you achieve your goal.  Aim to run at least 3 marathons for the year and if you don't lose at least 20lbs training for that, then you are doing it wrong. Aim to apply for at least 3jobs a week and if you don't get a few interviews or an offer, then somebodies resolution should be to go back to school or choose to be happy with what you've got. By s'somebody', I mean You.

Whatever you do, stop blabbing about the mountains you want to climb. Get over that ant hill and I will join for a toast to celebrate.

Happy 2012!!!!

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