Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What is your price tag to chug donkey urine and semen?

These "ladies" decided to rapidly drink a pint glass of donkey semen and urine.

Just typing that makes me sick. NBCs Fear Factor decided not to broadcast that particularly vile episode featuring these beautiful twin sisters.  This is not a euphemism, literally donkey urine and semen. They did it. They didn't bail. They didn't run for the hills. They did not fake falling into a coma. They drank the containers pictured below.

I don't blame NBC. I don't blame Fear Factor. I don't blame the Producers.  I blame these ladies. They had a choice. We always have a choice to do the right thing. Who will want kiss those lips after knowing where that mouth has been? Other than the obvious low standards regarding what goes into their bodies, it raises the question about their judgement and character. Any guy with $100,000 can get these ladies to do anything. These ladies could be mothers in the future. Woe be unto their kids.

Who the hell collected the semen?????

Anyways, the episode will not air. Their 15 minutes of fame is now 17 minutes, thanks to the collective vomit inducing reaction we all had when we heard the 'news'.

Listen to them explain how they threw up in the glass and drank that as well. Oh yeah, the glasses were sitting in the sun all day. Oh yeah, the crew threw up as well. If I could whoop these ladies, I would. Not condoning violence in anyway, but to every rule, there is an exception.

My dignity is priceless - Reason #1 I will die poor

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