Thursday, November 18, 2010

How to eat an Artichoke or just Sue, like this genius

For a good laugh or just a face palm, read the link below.

He is blaming the waiter and other restaurant staff for the gastro-intestinal discomfort he suffered after dinner. He forgot to sue his mom, she should have taught him how to eat an Artichoke.  His friends at the table for not stopping him and every restaurant he ever dined in his lifetime.

Or is it the first time this genius is having an Artichoke?  In that case, based on the unchewable texture, he is just greedy with champion molars.

How often do you eat Artichokes?  I can't remember the last time I did. I am more of a potatoes, carrots, broccoli and spinach kinda gal.

But on the off chance that the stars align and Sagittarius is eclipsing Venus (I don't know this stuff) don't be the rocket scientist in the story and not eat an Artichoke properly.

Etiquette of Eating Artichokes:
  1. It is both proper and polite to pluck the leaves with your fingers, leaving fork and knife aside for now. Pull off a leaf, holding it by the pointed end. 
  2. Put the other end in your mouth and pull it between your teeth, scraping the length of the leaf (the edible portion of the leaves becomes greater as you get closer to the center of the artichoke).
  3. Just before you get to the very center, leaves will become almost white with purple tips. Be careful of these leaves because their purple ends are prickly.
  4. When the leaves are pulled, you will be left with the base, the heart, crowned with a fuzzy patch. 
  5. You have now reached the best part of all, the very reason for eating artichokes: the heart. Carefully scoop away the fuzzy stuff with your knife or spoon (though a properly prepared artichoke will already have the choke removed). With knife and fork, cut bites from the heart like pieces of prime fillet.
  6. If you're provided with a dip such as a vinaigrette or mayonnaise, put a small part of the edible portion of the leaf in the dip and scrape with your teeth as directed above. Don't overdo it on the dip or you won't taste the artichoke. 

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