Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sidewalk Etiquette 101

Public places are a great way to show you have class. The sidewalk is no exception. New York has notoriously crowded sidewalks that can be a war zone for the uninitiated.

1) Avoid bumping/brushing other people.
They are strangers; strangers are strange and unpredictable. Consider that they may react violently to a stranger on the street bumping into them. The offense is even worse if they are carrying packages and your bump makes them drop their stuff.  I am sure you have heard of people getting into altercations in bars, clubs and the subway because someone 'bumped' into them. A bump could earn you a black eye. It's not worth it.
Personal Space belt

2) Don't invade personal space.
Stay at least 2 feet away from everyone. Walking close to a stranger may annoy them or give the impression that you are with them. Additionally, that is close enough for them to dip their slimy fingers into your pocketbook Don't set yourself up to be a victim.

3) Keep to the right.
Sidewalks should have lanes. Since they don't, imagine that there is a line in the center of the sidewalk and stay to the right. Pedestrians walking in opposite directions who follow this rule will avoid head-on collisions or awkwardly dancing around each other.

5) Pass on the left.
Passing on the right means that you are either waking into a wall of in to traffic. Do we need to explain why that's not a good idea?

6) Don't walk shoulder to shoulder in groups.
The limit is a couple. Couples or friends are allowed to walk shoulder-to-shoulder. We get it, you're in love, yadi-yadi-yada. We get it, you and your bff cannot wait to catch up on last nights episode of "whatever the kids are watching". Forming a human barricade of 3 or more is creating a public nuisance. It makes it difficult for others to navigate around you. Walking three abreast constitutes forming a human wall. Now you and your party are no longer pedestrians but an obstruction.
7) Keep a steady pace.
Randomly slowing down or coming to a complete stop will cause the people behind you to walk into you. They may bump into you with enough force to knock you over. Trip and falls are never cute. 

8) Don't eat.
Where to begin on this topic! Emily Post, Amy Vanderbilt and I have written chapters on dining etiquette. No matter how much of a hurry you are in, anything beyond a candy bar should not be eaten while walking along a sidewalk. Burgers, Chinese food, heroes, fried chicken, pasta, soup, bagels, pizza, hot dogs, burritos and tacos are great for when you are on the go. But if you are walking and absolutely must have a snack, reach for an apple or a snicker. 

Walk safely until wee meet again.

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