Tuesday, January 3, 2012

10 Commandments of Gym Etiquette

The most popular New Years Resolution is to loose weight. Please share the list with everyone you know.

  1. Thou shall not spread the entire contents of your gym bag on the benches in the locker room. No need to display your towel, sneakers, socks, leg warmers, ipod, bottled water, heart rate monitor, etc.No need to ask for my help when you get robbed.
  2. Thou shall not leave your gym bag in the walk way. No one should be forced to jump hurdles in the locker room.
  3. Thou shall not warm up or stretch in the locker room. Respect other peoples personal space and save your head rolls and leg extensions for the mat.
  4. Thou shall not choose the treadmill/elliptical/bike/rower next to mine if there are others available. No one wants to hear you grunt, or smell you, if it can be avoided. 
  5. Thou shall not monopolize the gym equipment during peak hours. Any decent gym indicates peak hours. Otherwise, it can be anytime between 4 to 8pm.
  6.  Thou shall wipe the machines clean of your bodily fluids after working out. Enough said.
  7. Thou shall follow the direction of the arrows for the strength training machines. This is not the time to go rogue and jump randomly from one machine to another.
  8. Thou shall remove the weights or reset the strength training machines if there are other people immediately in line behind you or if you are finished with your sets. Thanks for believing that I can leg curl, overhead press or lat pulldown 300lbs, but I'll pass.
  9. Thou shall not walk around the changing room naked before or after a shower. We know you work hard for the body you have, but this is not the Smithsonian and you're not on display. Or would you like me to play music, give you a pole, make it rain singles, and get on with the show.
  10. Thou shall not gawk at, critique or give non-requested advice to the obviously less fit in the changing room. Unless, you are taking kickboxing classes and can defend yourself.
Good luck with getting in better shape :-)

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