Monday, January 2, 2012

Is Savannah Brinson (LeBrons Baby Mama) happy or relieved?

Congratulations to Savannah Brinson on her engagement!! I am happy for her. I really am. Actually, no I am not. I am relieved. She is an amazing woman. She is still with her high school sweetheart. Kudos to her for cutting off her options so early in life.

This young woman took herself off the market without exploring other possibilities. She supported him during the start of his career. She was there before he was "King James". She put up with his ego. She chose to stick with a man who will have every stripper, video vixen, 'slore', professional jump-off and "model" in every hemisphere, throwing themselves at him. She had 2 children with him before he even proposed. She has conducted herself like a lady and avoided salacious scandals associated with basketball wives, etc. She has kept herself in great shape. She looks amazing for a woman who has 2 young children. As a matter of fact, she looks good, by any standard.

So what took him so long to finally 'wife' her. They better announce a wedding date within the 30 days, so she is not a Fiance for the next 10 years. It pains me that women give away the gift of carrying a mans child without accountability. Thank goodness for child support laws. No one should be surprised that he proposed. He should have proposed before they had the 1st child. She should have proposed before the 2nd child. He should have proposed before leaving Cleveland. This man is not a stranger to contracts and commitment. What was the delay to commit to beautiful Savannah Brinson: mother of his 2 children.

I hope they get married in California and stay together for at least 10 Take a page from the Vanessa Bryant play book.

I have to give him some credit. The ring is beautiful. Check out the ring at MediaTakeOut

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