Tuesday, January 3, 2012

80yrs old and over $7billion later - Wendi Deng schools Rupert Murdoch re Twitter etiquette

Rupert Murdoch is undeniably wealthy, influential and old. That's the combo to make you think he has some class and knows etiquette.  His business is news, publication and journalism, so you would conclude that the man knows how to express himself in 140 characters or less. He doesn't.

He opened a twitter account on New Years Day and immediately breached twitter etiquette, which is similar to party etiquette - avoid controversial topics like politics, sex, religion and money. Or at the very least know your audience. If you are Bill Maher, then those rules don't apply to you.

The good news is that Rupert Murdoch's wife, Wendi Deng, immediately rebuked his tweet, and forced him to remove it. I love it!
"Mr Murdoch, who opened a Twitter account on New Year's Day, questioned Britons' work ethic and number of public holidays they enjoy.
"Maybe Brits have too many holidays for broke country," tweeted the News Corp chief executive yesterday while on holiday on the Caribbean island of St Barts.
But Ms Deng soon tweeted back: "RUPERT!!! delete tweet!
I like her style. Swift. To the point. No nonsense. His comment was rude on several levels in that he addressed the people of Britain versus the government and he questioned their work ethic. First of all, if work ethic had anything to do with income/wealth, I would have been a millionaire already. The 2 issues are mutually exclusive.

Wendi Deng does not surprise me though. She is the same woman who gave a man a beat-down at a UK Parliamentary inquiry when he attempted to attack her husband. LOVE her! I am slightly conflicted, as I don't support physical violence, however, a woman projecting an image other than docile, submissive and demure is very sexy. Please enjoy the gratuitous footage of Wendi Deng Murdoch in action.

She is the very attractive woman in the gorgeous pink blazer, giving her best 'stand by your man' demonstration with the High Five to the Face....lol

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1 comment:

  1. Didn't you get the memo? Wendi Deng was outed as a fake an hour ago:

