Sunday, March 9, 2014

Manners trumps Etiquette

Etiquette : The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. 

Etiquette is a tool to demonstrate that you have self respect as well as respect for others. But, some people wield that knowledge as a sword to make themselves feel like they're 'better than' those who are not exposed to etiquette training. 

Manners: A person’s outward bearing or way of behaving toward others.

Good manners is a result of kindness, respect and consideration for each person we meet. It doesn't require quoting Emily Post and Amy Vanderbilt, or writing into Dear Abby. The one and only rule to know is, 'do to others as you would want them to do to you' 

Spouting the rules of etiquette at the expense of someone else's feelings magnifies your own insecurity, and makes you no fun to be around. 

Exercise etiquette because you know better: show manners because you are better.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ear-bud and Headphone Etiquette 101

I have too many ear-buds. How many do you have?  They are everywhere. The subway, bus, jogging, walking, gym, at work, restaurants, so on and so on. It is time to lay down some ground rules and regulate how they should be used.

  1. Take the ear-buds out. Completely out when engaged in a conversation. The assurance that the device is off or turned down is inadequate. Keeping the ear-buds in is saying very clearly that you are not interested in what I have to say. 
  2. Don't share ear-buds. That's filthy. The ear may have a waxy build up, eewwww, or collect microscopic debris and particles from you just being outside. I bet you feel like cleaning your ear right now. Point is, don't share the contents of your ear canal with anyone.
  3. Take your ear-buds out or turn your device all the way down when you are in a public space where there is the likelihood of a Public Service Announcement (PSA). You risk missing the important announcement that your train will not stop at this station due to switching problems.  You also risk Me ignoring You when you finally take them out to ask why your train zoomed past the platform.
  4. Ear-buds are personal speakers. The intended purpose is that you can enjoy your own music in your personal space. The rest of us don't care to hear what you are playing. The rest of us can actually see, and now hear, that you are either deaf or ghetto. Rarely do you hear Beethoven Symphony No. 9 blasting from ear-buds or headphones.
  5. Do not use ear-buds when walking around your office. It's bad enough that you feel the need to use them at your desk. If you are in a professional/work environment you must leave yourself open to interacting with your colleagues. Do not risk your boss having the impression that you are ignoring her when you failed to respond after she tries to get your attention.

Do you have an ear-bud headphone pet peeve to add?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Today's Class Act Award: Tiquan Underwood

This is my second blog involving a New England Patriot.  This one is very appropriate since they are up against the Giants in Superbowl  XLVI later today. Tiquan is not even playing in the game tonight. He was unceremoniously cut from the roster hours before the game.

That's like your fiance walking out on you the night before the wedding. But this dude has dignity, class and poise in spades. Check out his response to being deprived of the honor of playing in one of the biggest sporting events.
Tiquans tweets. It doesn't get much classier than this.

The lesson to learn from what he has done is:
  • Don't bite the hand that feeds you
  • Don't burn your bridges
  • Don't say anything you will regret
  • Stay positive
  • Keep all things in perspective
  • Look ahead
  • What doesn't break you. Makes you.

Kudos Tiquan Underwood. You have just schooled 11,427 followers on how to deal with a little adversity. I look forward to following your career.

On a completely different note. I still don't get the

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What is your price tag to chug donkey urine and semen?

These "ladies" decided to rapidly drink a pint glass of donkey semen and urine.

Just typing that makes me sick. NBCs Fear Factor decided not to broadcast that particularly vile episode featuring these beautiful twin sisters.  This is not a euphemism, literally donkey urine and semen. They did it. They didn't bail. They didn't run for the hills. They did not fake falling into a coma. They drank the containers pictured below.

I don't blame NBC. I don't blame Fear Factor. I don't blame the Producers.  I blame these ladies. They had a choice. We always have a choice to do the right thing. Who will want kiss those lips after knowing where that mouth has been? Other than the obvious low standards regarding what goes into their bodies, it raises the question about their judgement and character. Any guy with $100,000 can get these ladies to do anything. These ladies could be mothers in the future. Woe be unto their kids.

Who the hell collected the semen?????

Anyways, the episode will not air. Their 15 minutes of fame is now 17 minutes, thanks to the collective vomit inducing reaction we all had when we heard the 'news'.

Listen to them explain how they threw up in the glass and drank that as well. Oh yeah, the glasses were sitting in the sun all day. Oh yeah, the crew threw up as well. If I could whoop these ladies, I would. Not condoning violence in anyway, but to every rule, there is an exception.

My dignity is priceless - Reason #1 I will die poor