Tuesday, November 30, 2010

She said WHAT!!!

Has your entire opinion of another person changed because of one thing they said? Yep, your feelings/relationship/attitude makes a complete 180 because of one careless or deliberate utterance.

A couple weeks ago, I was listening to a dating show on the radio. The gentleman alleged that he was attracted to the young lady, enjoyed conversation and felt that there would be at least a second date until this happened.  He had a difficult time choosing his entree. He was torn between the steak and the salmon. Her sin/crime was to suggest that he have both. What!!!

That suggestion made him think that she was vulgar, ghetto, uncouth and unrefined.  Cute, sexy, classy and intelligent went out the window because she suggested the salmon AND steak.  He is an ass.

Haven't we all heard of or had Surf and Turf.  Usually, it's the steak with shrimp or lobster. It can be considered a tad extravagant, but I choose to interpret her behavior as, - 'the world is hers and she does not feel the need to choose. Life is short, have both.'

Another example I can think of is a guy admitting he 'experimented' with other guys in college, and then saying he is not gay.  That is where my double standard kicks in. Women can say that, men can't. My entire perception of him changes. Obviously, his sexuality is questioned. If he maintains that he is not gay, his grip on reality, self awareness and relationship with the truth is now all up for grabs. It's a wrap if he knows who Nene, Pahedra, Kim and Kandi are.

My real life classic. A potential suitor tried to give me all the 'game' he had and proceeded to impress me with the following line, "Baby, I will take you shopping, buy you anything you want, take you to nice places, even dinner at Red Lobster." BRAKES!!!! This fool did not just say Red Lobster. Red Lobster, TGI Fridays, Applebees, etc. are all cool to hang out with the girls and have overpriced and gaudy cocktails, with gluttonous food portions. But for a first date, to impress me, hell to the no!!!

Here is a gem that still brings tears to my eyes. Sherri Shepherd. Sherri, Sherri, Sherri. I know this clip is older than Methuselah. But, after she says, "I never thought about that Whoopi", I die. Since then, regardless of what she does, I recall that she made a fool of herself on national TV.

But not to be outdone is my girl Sarah Palin. I am not getting political. That is not my lane. I am an informed voter. That's all. But, each time, I think she has reached the bottom of the barrel of stupid, she manages to come up with more.

Has anyone in your life, just said something so colossally stupid that you have never looked at them the same again?

The polite thing to do, is to correct them and set them on the right path. If they are merely an acquaintance, ignore the dumb thing they said and move on with your life. Regardless of how you choose to handle it, find the humor in the dumb thing they said without embarrassing them. One day you will say something profoundly stupid too.

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree with you here. Do not embarrass them, instead, correct them if you're close enough, and ignore it if you're not.

    They say common sense isn't all that common these days, I agree, as I can say silly things too sometimes. x
