Sunday, February 5, 2012

Today's Class Act Award: Tiquan Underwood

This is my second blog involving a New England Patriot.  This one is very appropriate since they are up against the Giants in Superbowl  XLVI later today. Tiquan is not even playing in the game tonight. He was unceremoniously cut from the roster hours before the game.

That's like your fiance walking out on you the night before the wedding. But this dude has dignity, class and poise in spades. Check out his response to being deprived of the honor of playing in one of the biggest sporting events.
Tiquans tweets. It doesn't get much classier than this.

The lesson to learn from what he has done is:
  • Don't bite the hand that feeds you
  • Don't burn your bridges
  • Don't say anything you will regret
  • Stay positive
  • Keep all things in perspective
  • Look ahead
  • What doesn't break you. Makes you.

Kudos Tiquan Underwood. You have just schooled 11,427 followers on how to deal with a little adversity. I look forward to following your career.

On a completely different note. I still don't get the

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