Friday, January 13, 2012

Ringing phone stops NY Philharmonic in its tracks

My favorite story yesterday is that of how an audience member in the first row of the NY Philharmonic got schooled in Etiquette 101.  The fact that he can afford the front row leaves room to assume that this guy is not some uncivilized troll, living under a bridge.

In a nutshell, his cellphone rang several times. This provoked the Director to stop the music. As in, cut off all the instruments. Dead silence. It gets worse, he proceeds to wait until the guy turns the ringer off. While the entire room is waiting, the audience starts to cat-call, boo, hiss and slow clap the entire time it takes for him to confirm that the ringer is off. I LOVE it!!

Full story from the Wall Street Journal.

Oh the shame he must have felt the first time the ringer went off and the elevated anxiety with each time it rang after that. He is now suffering the glares of the musicians who practiced for years, months, weeks and days to perfect their performance. He has the full  and undivided attention of the Director. Worst of all is the palpable hostility of his fellow audience members. Where is that invisibility cloak when you need it? Can you imagine how loudly his heart was beating above the deafening silence? I wouldn't be surprised if the prolonged humiliation caused his heart to break free from his chest to find the nearest exit.

This is one of the most elementary of rules of Etiquette my friends. Turn off your cellphone.
Stock photo

1 comment:

  1. I just read a follow-up article saying he hasn't slept for days because he feels so embarassed by the incident.
