Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to create a Junk Email Address & Why?

I read an article today about a lady concerned about how to RSVP to an online invitation. The RSVP required that the recipient register/log in in. She wanted to RSVP, which is the classy thing to do, but was conflicted because she did not want to disclose her name and email address. You can read here full scenario here.

Here is my solution. I believe it is a good idea for everyone to have a junk email address.

Ever so often we have to provide a 'valid' email address to get access to some websites including facebook, twitter, flickr, shopping, comment on articles, download software and participate in chats/forums.

If you hate spam as much as I do and would rather separate legitimate email (friends, family and employers)  from Nigerian businessmen then you should have a junk email address. It's a great way to protect your privacy as well.

Here is an idea, go to yahoo (or any email provider) and create an email address.
1) Use your initials, plus favorite state, and the letters JEA(as in junk email address) for your username
2) Your initials will act as your first name
3) Your last name will be Jea

So mine would be CyrNYJea@yahoo.com. I actually checked and it's available. Since I already have a junk email address, I won't bother to create another one. Don't allow a lame excuse like I didn't want to use my email address to prevent you from exercising proper etiquette by RSVPing in a timely manner.

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