Monday, January 9, 2012

The cyber-relationship police need to back off

Michelle Williams is under fire for not congratulating Beyonce regarding her baby's birth on Twitter. I like her response...

“My friendships with people aren’t always for twitter display. Respect that and get a LIFE!!!” 

She is a 1,000,000% correct. Nothing is personal or intimate anymore. Is friendship now measured by online activity versus actually being there for someone? Now I find myself differentiating people as 'real friends' versus 'facebook friends'. Facebook friends are the ones who only express themselves via comments and like buttons versus making real time for you. It is vulgar when people choose to write on the wall instead of inboxing personal information. It is such a turn off that they need an audience to communicate with you. I admire that she didn't cower to the negative tweets. A real woman stands her ground.

Some things should be appreciated off line. Let me call you on the phone or see you in person to congratulate you, console you, tell you I miss you or tell you I love you.

When did we become a culture of cyber-relationship police?  You are sad, lonely and unloved when the status of other peoples relationships online bother you. Invest some time in getting your friends together. Meet at home, coffee shop, bar, park or bookstore to really connect and be there for each other.

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