Monday, November 8, 2010

Speak up or I'll hang up

How long should we listen to dead air when the phone rings?

It's so silly when the phone rings, I pick up and there is nothing but dead air.  The silence is initially confusing, as I first wonder if the phone rang at all. Then I do the, 'pull the phone away from my ear to look at the number again' move. If it's a friend, I have a little more patience and spend a little more time to figure out if they are kidnapped and can only dial and can't speak. It could also be a pocketbook dial, and in that case I stay on the line to be nosy :-) I am not even kidding, don't pocketbook dial me. If I have time, I am staying on the line for a minute to listen to you gossip, confess, work, play, etc.

Otherwise, I say "hello" twice and if I don't receive an answer, I hang up. If it's business, be professional and be prepared. If it's personal, you called me, you should be prepared.

How long do you wait before you hang up?

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