Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hey Sweety, let's have a meeting in the ladies room

A friend of mine was having the mother of all bad hair days. What should have been her crowning glory, was desperately in need of brushing/combing/weed whacking or simply a shear.

Unfortunately, I was not the one to immediately notice and if I did, I think I overlooked it because she was also a single mother of two, working full time and a student. I guess I ignored her birds nest hair, as I assumed it was just not a priority in comparison to her very full life. However, an acquaintance to both of us, we will call her 'China' pulled me aside and suggested that I help my friend out and take her to the ladies room for a brief meeting with the comb and brush.

I really respected China for taking the initiative and more so, her sensitivity in the way she dealt with what was potentially an embarrassing situation for my friend.

I never told my friend that someone else gave me the nudge and she truly appreciated the heads up. Yes, she leads a busy life, but was happy to have someone help her with putting her best foot forward.

How do you handle it when a friend or an acquaintance is not looking their personal best or is having a distractingly 'off'' day?

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