Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Stupid subway platform behavior

Definition of ETIQUETTE

: the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life

The conduct/procedure required when on a subway platform dictates that you stand away from the edge of the platform. Seems like a pretty simple rule to follow.  
I never understood the logic/thinking behind leaning over the platform to see if, and what train is coming.  Regular subway riders have it down to a science regarding where on the platform to stand in order to get into the right car, and even through the best car door.  All of this is in an effort to exit the subway car closest to the most convenient exit, or stairs of the destination subway stop.
Leaning over does not make the train arrive any quicker. The train operator does not hit the gas when they glimpse your impatient head hanging over the platform. As a matter of fact, they should slow down, because you are too dumb to simply stand straight and avoid an accident.
Click the link below for todays lesson on what-not-to-do.

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