Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sweetheart, you need to Po-lice that Moo-stache

If your friends love you, they wont allow you to look like a bat clawed, uni-browed wilder-beast in public.

But there are some issues more embarrassing to mention. I had a, shall I say, ummm, situation, on my upper lip. A situation that most women have as they grow older. There is less estrogen and more testosterone in the body which results in a little extra hair. Okay, fine, I had a little mustache.

My husband decided to bring it to my attention. He walked over to me. Held me sweetly in his arms. Gazed at me with wanton eyes. Parted his lips and said, "Sweetheart, you need to Police that Mustache".

Of course I ripped myself from his embrace: dashed to the bathroom and proceeded to bathe in Nair for the next six hours.

Yes, we are still married and my 'moostache' has never been heard of again.

How do you tell a woman that her mustache is out of control?


  1. Nothing wrong with cleaning up the mustache! Friends she be able to tell you, I agree

  2. Wow Cammi...that takes've you been???
