Monday, October 11, 2010

She is a 2. He is a 10. What is your problem?

Russel Simmons and Kimora Lee come to mind when I think ok a mismatched couple. She was young, gorgeous, tall, vivacious, spunky, fabulous and likeable. Whereas, Russell was the eccentric, older, looks like a turtle and may have an extensive Japanese porn collection in his basement, creepy uncle.  As a disclaimer, I am fan of both of them individually, but didn't "get it", as a couple. Russell Simmons is a successful businessman, mogul, philanthropist and positive example to millions of people. I am just talking about the impression that they make when people first looked at them. Wait a minute, I know it wasn't just me.

Everyone wants to be with a partner that makes them happy, that complements them, that gives them an opportunity to share love, and be loved. The packaging of that partner is an issue that people debate whenever we see a couple, and we immediately think that he or she could have done better.  The conclusion is usually that he is rich and she is a gold digger, or vice-versa. Cheers to Ivana Trump and Donatella Versace. Packaging is important, but is it everything? Marketing 101 will tell you that it is not what you are selling, it is how you package it.  Plus, it is well known that people will tolerate the annoying, bitchy and incompetent if it wrapped in the body of Maxims Hot 100  top ten ladies. Hence, the reason for pretty people to find dates and jobs quicker, found innocent by a jury of their peers (ha ha ha) at a higher rate and are overall treated better  than the rest of the population.

Katy Perry is #1 on Maxims list - Go figure

People who are a 10 and date a 2 are not doing it for charity, because they are poor, or because they have issues. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The undeniable chemistry that people feel when they look into each others eyes should not be judged or questioned. That is the love that transcends illness, disfigurement, weight gain and age. It is your loss, if you require and depend on packaging to see love in other peoples relationships and to find a love of your own. Let me get off my high horse for a second. I know looks matter. When I participated in online dating, I only clicked on profiles of the eights and up. On a really good day, I am an 8 but with attitude factored in, I am a 10 :-) Physical beauty is the bait to pull people in, but a huge let down when you peel away the layers and there is no intelligence, sense of humor or personality. Don't get it twisted, not all unattractive people have good personalities. Some are actually bitter because they are ugly. Is the two shallow for only dating tens? Maybe. But, it's none of your business.

But who am I, and who are you to judge who another person should be attracted to? Are you jealous of the "unattractive" person in the equation?  I must confess, when I see an odd pairing, it makes me curious about the unattractive partner. If it is an ugly guy, I think, he must be rich or have a really big penis. If it is an unattractive woman, I think, she must have an awesome personality, swings from chandeliers, may be rich or reminds him of his mother (it's a Sigmund Freud thing, look it up). I may go to hell for thinking that, but there it is. To be blunt, it is none of my business and none of your business why, or who people choose to date and marry.  The arrogance of saying a couple is mismatched is punishable. There have been a few articles on the subject Mismatched couples of Hollywood, Famous mismatched couples and Mismatched celebrity couples  and for fiction 10 mismatched movie couples. Why are we even having this conversation?

Love is so hard to find and when others find it, it should be celebrated. When you find it, it should be treasured. To myself and the rest of us gawkers, mind your own damn business. It is your loss if you have never experienced someone looking into your eyes, regardless of your looks, weight, hair, skin or body and say, "I don't know why, but you do it for me". Keep talking like that and I will do "it" to you ;-)

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