Sunday, October 3, 2010

Always late, Never great!

To be late is one of the most arrogant, selfish, disrespectful, rude, ill-bred, inconsiderate, trashy, loathsome, immature and vile things you can do. 

The greatest gift I can give, or receive is, Time.  Time may be the only commodity that you cannot extend; we all only have 12 months in the year, 24 hours in the day, 60 minutes in the hour and 60 seconds in the minute. Nothing you can do will ever change those numbers. How we choose to spend our limited time deserves much more consideration than we give it. What we choose to spend our time on, and who with, is worthy of deliberation. That’s for you to think about, and arrive at satisfactory answers, on your own time.

If you enjoy 12 hours of sleep each day and are cool with watching 6 hours and 47 minutes of TV per day, (average based on study by A.C. Nielsen Co.), or being on Facebook for an average of 55 minutes per day, (according to Facebook reports), more power to you. Let’s keep it real, if you factor in the time that you are on the Facebook application on your blackberry/iPhone/HTC Evo, etc., it is much more than 55 minutes per day. Who can resist commenting, ‘liking’, updating status and posting articles, links, videos and pics? Not to mention the fun times tagging unsuspecting friends caught in embarrassing and awkward poses. Plus the joy of going through profiles and pictures of mere acquaintances who did not have the foresight to make their pics only available to ‘friends’ and not ‘friends of friends’ and ‘everyone’.  What moron allows Everyone to view their profile and pics? You deserve trouble when you get it. Just saying!

Back to the subject of time. It is Classy to be punctual. I know that sometimes circumstances change, “life” happens and you are forced to either be late or bail on the event or date. However, etiquette dictates that you notify the party involved or affected, so that they do not waste their Time waiting for you.  In some cases they may even worry about you. Spare humanity and make a quick phone call, send a text or smoke signal that you will not be there when you said you will.  In all fairness, it is not about being Classy or exercising etiquette, it is simply the right thing to do.

To be late is not arriving at the agreed time. There may be an event that starts at 4:00, however you can politely state that previous commitments prevent you from arriving anytime before 5:30. The other party will appreciate your honesty and respect your consideration and maturity. 

I truly appreciate and bask in the company of my friends and acquaintances who choose to share their Time with me. When we are old and reflect on the good and the bad times, I would prefer that a significant portion of that was not waiting on anyone, or making someone needlessly wait for me. By the way, I absolutely do not subscribe to CPT!!! Out of respect for the many people who have sacrificed and marched to get us where we are today, I refuse to tolerate a label that is neither funny nor dignified.

Never feel forced or obligated to routinely wait for anyone. They will make it a habit to waste your Time.  Politely explain that you have other tings to do and you must go. If you have nothing better to do than wait at someones leisure, then you need to reassess your life and where it is going.

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