Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Are you jealous? Good.

jeal·ous adj \ˈje-ləs\
Definition of JEALOUS
a : intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness
b : disposed to suspect rivalry or unfaithfulness
: hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage
: vigilant in guarding a possession <new colonies were jealous of their new independence — Scott Buchanan>
Examples of JEALOUS
His success has made some of his old friends jealous.
She became very jealous whenever he talked to other women.
He was in a jealous rage.
Some people are successful, rich, famous, happy, married, parents, healthy or skinny. Whatever that number is, there are many times that number of people who are looking on and are jealous. Jealousy as defined, looks like a horrible thing.

And if you feel that way for a nano-second, you should rip your beating heart from your chest and stomp it to a pulp to remove the stain of “jealousy”.

Here is a thought, jealousy can be good. Jealousy is realizing that somebody is doing better than you are. They are getting ahead and you aren't. It will feel bad for a while, but for how long is totally dependent on you.

When you feel jealous, ask the important questions of ‘Why?’ ‘What/Who is holding me back?‘ and ‘What do I need to do to stop feeling this way?’ You have to answer the question of ‘Why’ first. If you are jealous of a friend who is now a size 2 because of chemotherapy, then you are not jealous, you are a fool. However, some good can come out of it if you are jealous of a friend who is a size 2, through diet, exercise and discipline. Transform that energy into thinking that, if she can do it, then you bloody well can do it too. Skipping a few desserts and drinks, plus working out a few times a week did not have fatal effects, but actually made her a lean-mean-man-magnet.

Handle jealousy with Class:
1.  Use that energy to improve your situation so you don't feel jealous anymore. Take a class, change your job, pursue a dream, get a makeover, go on a diet, just do something.

2.  Get new friends. Yes, that's what I said. Jealousy in your heart over time, will make you bitter, ugly and toxic to any relationship. Don't stick around to rain on her parade. If you can't be there to support her, leave her alone.

3.  Know your lane, be happy for your friends and be content with your circumstances. If she gets a promotion and raise, be a good cheerleader and attend the happy hour to celebrate. Of course, let her buy you a cocktail with that new promotion money.

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